- Kathleen Connell, M.A.
As an LGBT family we have our hands full. Surviving bullies in school and discrimination at work. Not being allowed to create marriages and equality in our families. And of course DADT. At the same time we are green leaders so don't forget to vote your enviro values too. Here are 12 facts from EDF to remember on Election Day. Generally, a pro LGBT candidate is also a fairly green candidate. And of course a Democrat. Finally, to not have a Gulf mega- disaster here in CA, and to support our green economy, vote no on Prop 23 and 26.
12 Environmental Facts to Keep in Mind on Election Day
389 – The concentration in parts per million of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, in the earth's atmosphere today.
38 – Percent increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration since the industrial revolution.
18 – Number of countries that have set all-time heat records so far in 2010.
82 – Percent decline in U.S. corn, cotton, and soybean production possible under current warming scenarios.
1 – Rank of 2010 so far as the hottest year on record (tied with 1998).
16 – Estimated number of Exxon Valdez-sized spills it would take to equal the amount of oil spilled into the Gulf after the BP Blowout.
4,342 – Total number of oiled birds collected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Gulf Coast region.
$68.5 million – Amount spent by Big Oil and its special interests allies this year on TV ads designed to elect pro-polluter candidates.
$514 million – Amount spent on lobbying and advertising by big polluters to stop the Senate from passing global warming legislation.
23,000 – Number of Americans whose lives will be saved in 2010 alone because of the Clean Air Act, according to EPA estimates.
232 – Number of toxic chemicals found in the umbilical cord of tested newborn babies in the U.S.
1 – The number of votes it takes to decide a close election.