LLC is pleased to be a signator to this effort.
California Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Urge Air Board to Adopt Strong Emissions Trading Program
Sacramento, CA - December 15, 2010 - More than 125 small/mainstream businesses, cleantech companies and business associations - representing tens of thousands of employees around the state - issued a letter today urging the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to adopt a proposed emissions trading program (also known as cap and trade) that will reduce carbon, grow the economy, and create jobs, with the goal of creating a better future for all Californians. The ARB Board will hold a hearing on the program tomorrow in Sacramento.
"We encourage ARB to adopt the proposed market system that levels the playing field between dirty and clean energy, provides business owners with new opportunities to grow their businesses, and spurs the transition to a low carbon economy," the letter states. "Reducing carbon and increasing efficiency improves the bottom line for our state and for our businesses, giving us a competitive advantage and protecting us from volatile fossil fuel spikes and economic price shocks."
The business leaders who signed the letter support adoption of the market-based emissions trading program as a mechanism to stimulate innovation and efficiency, and to help position the state as a global leader on advancing clean energy technologies. The letter was signed by businesses from all geographic regions of the state including: owners of print shops, restaurants, construction firms, and landscape companies; CEOs of and investors in solar and renewable companies; leaders of chambers of commerce and business associations; and more.
Business leaders, investors and, most recently, the electorate have shown strong support for the adoption of effective standards by ARB to implement the state's landmark clean energy law (AB 32) to create jobs, improve air quality, grow clean energy resources, and save consumers and businesses money. And new polling from last week reinforces the fact that voters strongly support moving forward to implement the next phase of AB 32.
The full text of the letter is available at:
EDITORS: Business leaders will be available at the hearing tomorrow for comment. Please call the media contact to arrange interview.
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- Kathleen Connell, M.A.