Monday, November 30, 2009

Poll: 75% of LGBT Support Green... Care The Most About Future Generations

Image: Green is not just another pretty color in the rainbow flag, according to poll.

Recent research demonstrates that LGBT adults are overwhelmingly engaged, informed and knowledgable about Green and global warming.I think the recent poll that unearthed this finding deserves republishing.  In sum, the LGBT sector is far and away leading America in Green, and is already where Green organizers want to go, in terms of American positions on climate change, and actually caring about future generations.

New York, N.Y. and Washington, DC – October 26, 2009 – Two-thirds (66%) of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender adults, asked in a new national survey conducted online, say that it is important to support environmental causes, compared with 56% of non-LGBT adults. Three-quarters (75%) of LGBT adults (compared with 53% of heterosexuals) believe global warming is happening right now, and by more than two to one proportions, 39% of LGBT adults say they have seen or read Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” while only 20% of heterosexuals say they have seen or read it.

Further, and this is counter to every biased myth out there, the poll's sponsor points out:

Most significant,” Witeck(Bob Witeck, CEO of Witeck-Combs Communications-Editor) added, “is the measure of global environmental stewardship. Although LGBT households are not parenting as frequently as our non-gay counterparts, 51% say they are concerned about the planet we are leaving behind for future generations – compared with 42% of heterosexual adults. This signals a very high sense of community and cooperation that many LGBT citizens know first-hand.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Equality Green: News, Views and Reviews for the LGBT Community

Welcome to Equality Green!

As far as I know,  this is one of the first blogs on Green for the LGBT community. As a Green expert, I realized that LGBT people are just as vulnerable to global warming and climate change as everyone else, but not really represented in the movement to Green the planet and the economy. When I am out and about in the sustainability community, I see a lot of LGBT folks at events, jobs conferences and in organizations, but no place is made for us to meet, support each other and get organized. Equality Green is your new online Green LGBT destination, and I will strive to provide smart, fun LGBT-focused posts about what’s happening in the emerging Green sector.

Why bother? Equality is why. Unity in the face of the enormous, unprecedented challenge of global warming. In my early 20’s, I lived in San Francisco and was a participant in Harvey Milk’s emerging Castro community.  Harvey insisted, and demonstrated, that coalition building is on the critical path to our full equality.  We need to link to the Green revolution that is taking root, and play leadership roles as well.

 As we fight for our basic equality and equal protection, we also need protection from the severity of climate change. We must add to our incomes these days, and access the funding and subsidies that are available for solar and energy efficiency retrofits. This way we can save thousands on our energy bills, and also reduce our carbon footprint, in order to save the planet.  

Together, we can grow an online Green community, and represent in the new LGBT Green society and economy that is being born! Thanks for recommending Equality Green to your friends on Facebook and Twitter, too! More to do as I build out this site and proliferate it. Join us!
