Sunday, June 12, 2011

Will San Diego LGBT Candidates Lead With Green Jobs and Equality?...Going Beyond Gay...

Three out of the four viable and/or likely candidates for Mayor of San Diego
are LGBT! The Republican candidates aside, what must happen is that the progressive LGBT candidate ( Christine Kehoe) and Bob Filner-who is not gay but can garner LGBT support- must put job creation-and green job creation- as number one on thier agenda.

Thus the progressive LGBT community is in a unique position to support the green candidate, green job creation for all in San Diego, as well as equal rights. Now that's far reaching Equality Green power, and "beyond Gay" Pride power as well.

Global Warming is hitting poorer countries and our LGBT family there first. We can support them by supporting LGBT candidates who will take action locally on both equality and climate issues as well.
Happy Pride Month!

- Kathleen Connell, M.A.