Monday, October 25, 2010

Save CA Coast Yes On 21!

We all love our San Diego coast, and so does the rest of the world, which consistantly names San Diego among the best places in the world.

Cross-post Ocean Conservancy:

I'm voting YES on Prop. 21 because it will ensure long-term protection of California’s most beautiful and spectacular habitats and wildlife, including our iconic coast.

In case you haven't heard about it yet, Prop. 21 is a statewide ballot initiative that will provide a stable, adequate source of funding to restore and maintain California's ailing state parks, and protect our iconic coastal beaches along with the new system of marine protected areas for which we've fought so hard. That's why, at Ocean Conservancy, we've joined an unprecedented coalition of more than 450 businesses, civic, and conservation organizations supporting Prop. 21 – you can learn more about Prop. 21 here.

But the most important thing you can do is vote YES on Prop. 21—either by absentee ballot NOW, or at the polls on November 2.

Three decades of chronic underfunding for our 278 state parks and beaches has lead to a system that has deteriorated to the point of collapse, accumulating a $1.3 billion maintenance backlog. A fresh and stable source of funding is essential to maintain our magnificent park system and safeguard California's new underwater parks, our marine protected areas, which you have been instrumental in helping us create over the past several years.

Prop. 21 is a clear solution to the crisis facing our state parks. The initiative not only dedicates the new funds solely to state parks and wildlife conservation, it also guarantees all Californians free day-use admission to all state parks and beaches—and that's something from which ocean-lovers like you and I can surely benefit.

Please join me by voting YES on Prop. 21: The State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust Fund Act."

- Kathleen Connell, M.A.

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