Monday, November 8, 2010

Vote CCSE: Teach Green to San Diego Kids

You can vote for CCSE, a huge community resource that is Greening our community! The Next Gen needs Green Literacy so please take a minute and follow the 3 steps below to bring $250K to our region from Pepsi Refresh. Thanks!

- Kathleen Connell, M.A.
Subject: [SASC_Forum] Vote for the Green Learning Adventure for San Diego kids

Hello SASC folks!

I am writing to enlist your help. CCSE has been running a free, hands-on education program for San Diego area schools for about a year. It has been funded by Sempra and Walmart and friendly folks like yourself through our raffle and special events in 2010, and that has enabled us to bring the Green Learning Adventure to middle schools across the county this year, reaching more than 8000 students with interactive lessons and information about what students can do in their lives and at home to conserve energy and water, reduce waste and implement other sustainable practices.

The program is easy for teachers to bring to their classrooms and we have a number of teacher testimonials about how well the students respond. We are very excited to build upon its success and bring the Green Learning Adventure to many more schools in 2011. To that end, we applied for a Pepsi Refresh grant. Since we launched on November 1 we have managed to move from 250th place to 115th and slipped back today to 124th. I know it seems low, but we can see that the votes count and I am hoping you can help us and mobilize your network to help us.

Any one person can vote for this project up to three times a day and San Diego will be successful if we can get as many people voting as persistently as possible. Can you help us? The directions are here and below. THANK YOU!

We are trying to win $250,000 for kids in San Diego. Vote each way, every day during November! It’s free, and you will get no spam messages from Pepsi when participating.
Help us go viral, please reach out to your contacts and get them to vote!

1. Text (104095) to 73774 (Pepsi will respond to your message but they do not send subsequent messages or market to your phone)

2. Go to and create an account

3. Go to and log in via Facebook

Best regards,

CCSE San Diego

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